Thursday 2 February 2012

Found Drawings

I've haven't thought of any good ideas recently. I don't know why this is. I did try out some moss grafiti but it didn't work because of the weather.

On reflection, I don't think moss grafiti is the route I should be going down because it's already been done and I don't feel I have anything new to do with it. 

Having experimented with real materials I want to go back to thinking about drawing.

Also, this blog has lots of other people's thoughts on drawing, which should help me form my own opinions on it. I have no problem with other people drawing, but I don't really like the activity myself.

Monday 30 January 2012

Found Drawings Project

(I have neglected to blog about my design process recently. After having feedback about the blog I have decided I would benefit from carrying on using it.)

This project is looking quite nature orientated at the moment. I'm not sure if I'm keen on nature orientated work I've done in the past, it has the potential to be very unsuccessful. I'm not Andy Goldworthy. I had a tutorial today but I think I should have done more work before I received feed back.

Went to Fairly to take the 'found drawing' photos. Fairly is an inspiration place because it's beautiful but a little derelict.

I've been looking for an excuse to do some mould graffiti for a long time.

But everyone in my tutorial said I should continue looking at fungi.

I've been doing some descriptive writing and I want to carry on with that. I also want to try some drawing machine ideas out.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Design Process Object Context (17th Jan)

I finally think I understand the whole semiotics/colour/context thing! Feel like I've had an epiphany! Today I went to the hairdressers for ages instead of going to uni, I felt guilty about it. But it ended up being a good thing, because I took some books and read about colour while I was getting my hair dyed. (this is relevent)

Talking to the hair dresser about colour gave me a completely different insight, because she really cared which shade of colour the hair ended up, whereas to me it all looked the same. Then she started talking to me about the ph balance in colour care shampoo, and I realised what the book meant about colours meaning different things to different people. And the same colour meaning a different thing in context.

Also, before I went the hair dressers I tried out this 'Blank is a colour' thing on a white piece of paper using a stencil, but instead of using talc, I used flour. My thought was that it wouldn't look any different but I realised in the photographs I took that talc is bright white and flour is cream. They have a different texture as well. These two instances made me realise it's the subtle differences in colour that make a difference.

This is the flour one

Completely different to the talc one.

My mum is always painting things white in her house, she will never use 'brilliant white' only 'antique white'. 'Brilliant white' is a agressively bright looking, 'antique white' is homely, I'd never notice! But when I was at school we had to wear white shirts with a little logo on them. I'd get my mum to wash them and they'd always come out off white, or grey or slightly pink, she'd never notice.

I got the result from my essay today, I did so badly I have to re-do it. I just regret working so hard on it, I don't think I missed a single lecture last term. I read extra books, and went to the library to start researching that essay weeks in advance. I didn't leave to the last minute and I got two friends who do English to help with it. And it was still a badly written essay! I don't think essay writing is my true calling so I'm not going to get too worked up about it.

I tried a little experiment last night where I sprinkled talc all over the kitchen floor to see how foot prints looked in it. My flat mates waited until I'd left the room and drew fake foot prints in the talc. I pretended to find it funny but I'm secretly annoyed my experiment was ruined. When I do an experiment and it fails I don't mind, like when I mixed talc powder with various different substances and nothing happened. But when an experiment is tampered with it is annoying because you never know what the result would have been.

Still, it means I have a proper reason to go into the studio, I'm going to re-try the experiment there and then clean up the kitchen here. Maybe I'll actually get some work done in the studio now!

Monday 16 January 2012

Design Process Object Context (16th Jan)

The only problem with this
Is that it really reminds me of the lurpak advert! I do like this lurpak advert, but it really wasn't what I was going for!

Design Process Object Context (16th Jan)

Had my tutorial, the general gist of it seemed to be 'carry on' which I was happy about, but did make me feel like I could kick back and watch tv instead of doing work. I think sometime a little panic helps me work quicker!

I thought the tutorial might shed some light on the whole 'semiotics' thing, but I think that's just a question of reading more of the books on the list. I spoke to other people about it, I felt reassured because they seemed to feel the same way I did.

I suddenly had a rush of new ideas, so I have about 5 little experiments to try out which I'm happy about. I was just pondering after I left the studio and I suddenly thought of new ideas.

I think using my other blog helps me too think clearly about new ideas.

I did this earlier:

I enjoyed making it. I did it by hand, which was more time consuming than if i'd done it on the computer. But I've been on the computer all day and I don't actually know how to do it on the computer! I guess I could have done it on paint. But doing it by hand sometimes has a nice affect

And I had letters left over to do this:

I also went in a completely different direction and made this circle of talc on the floor to symbolise safety and comfort.

I'm aware that it probably wont have anything to do with my final piece, but I do just love contact sheets at the moment. Contact sheets make me feel satisfied!

I feel like I should be thinking about the concept behind the final piece, and about what I'm specifically trying to say about the talc powder. I keep thinking the concept will just fall into place, but I really think the visual should fall into place and the concept should be deliberate and well thought out. I'm thinking about colour of talc, the fact that it can wash over other colours, it's softness + safety and the 'blank is colourful' / 'colourful white' / 'blank is colourful' thing.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Design Process Object Context (15th Jan)

The thing that made me less 'melt down' was a video I saw on FormFiftyFive - that website is very motivating.